Portfolio Projects

I made some of my portfolio projects for practice and courses, but for the most part simply for fun because I love web design!

My main focus is on accessibility and mobile responsiveness.

Portfolio 3.0

Portfolio 3.0 Project

My Portfolio


Year: 2024

Skills: HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

This is the portfolio you're viewing now!

You can check my two previous portfolios to see how my style and skills evolved over time as I learned more about UI/UX and web design.

Portfolio 2.0

Portfolio 2.0 Project

My Portfolio

Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

This has been my portfolio throughout 2023.

The previous one was alright, but I felt contents were too tight on a single page layout, so I split them into separate pages instead.

Portfolio 1.0

Portfolio 1.0 Project

My Portfolio

Code View

Year: 2022

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

This has been my portfolio throughout 2022.

It features light/dark mode and users can also switch between English and Spanish.

Chocolate Shop

Chocolate Shop Portfolio Project


Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

View the case study

This is a redesign based on an existing chocolate shop's website (Felfort's). You can check the original e-commerce so you can compare it to my rework.

Foodie Blog

Foodie Blog Portfolio Project


Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

View the case study

This cooking blog portfolio project is an overhaul of a cooking blog that actually exists (Paulina Cocina, a well known foodie vlogger and influencer from Argentina).

The original WordPress-based website uses Elementor, so of course emulating it with only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript was a little challenging at first.

Meme Generator

Meme Generator Portfolio Project

For Fun

Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Upload an image, type the top and bottom text, and download your meme in PNG format!

This meme generator is made so that each action is taken step by step:

  • The download button and the text fields are disabled until an image is uploaded.
  • The download button remains disabled until both text fields are filled.

This is to ensure the users take the required steps in order as they should and minimize the probability of errors.

Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator Portfolio Project

For Use

Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

This is a responsive percentage calculator with three different options.

Only available in Spanish (for now).


Blog Design Portfolio Project

Course Project

Code View

Year: 2022

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Course: Front-End Development, at Potrero Digital

Before doing the cooking blog portfolio project, I looked up WordPress themes for inspiration... and that's when I came up with the idea of doing a standard blog landing page to get started.

Google UX Design

Google UX Design Course Projects

Course Project

Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: Figma, UX Research, UX Writing, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Course: UX Design Professional Certification, Google

These are the three case studies I did for my capstone project. They include personas, user journeys, and Figma wireframes and prototypes.

Ice Cream Shop

Ice Cream Shop Portfolio Project

Course Project

Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, SQL

Course: Back-End Development, at Potrero Digital

This was my final project for Potrero Digital's back-end development with PHP & SQL course.

It's still not too flashy, but the product catalogue is functional!

Potrero Digital

Potrero Digital Back-End Course with PHP Portfolio Project

Course Project

Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, SQL

Course: Back-End Development, at Potrero Digital

This is the page I made to feature all projects that were part of Potrero Digital's back-end development course (with PHP & SQL).

I designed it following the style of Potrero Digital's website, including colors, typography and more.

If you're from Argentina, make sure you check their courses and certifications!

Codo a Codo

Codo a Codo Full-Stack Course Portfolio Project

Course Project

Code View

Year: 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

This is the page I made to feature all projects that were part of Codo A Codo's full-stack development course (with Node.js).

I designed it following the style of Codo A Codo's website, including colors, typography and more.

Photo Search

Free Stock Photo Search Portfolio Project

API Usage

Code View

Year: 2022

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

API: Pexels

This is a free stock photo search engine based on Pexel's API.

Images are displayed in a grid, and clicking on them leads to them opening in a new window.

Recipe Directory

Recipe Directory Portfolio Project

API Usage

Code View

Year: 2022

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

API: Edamam

For this recipe directory project, I used the Edamam API.

Simply type a dish or ingredient and all results will be listed as cards!

Weather App

Weather App Portfolio Project

API Usage

Code View

Year: 2022

Skills: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

API: OpenWeatherMap

Oh, yes, the good ol' weather app!

Simply type the name of a city and check the current weather!