Work Experience

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Company: Confidential

(February 2024 - Present)

I play a key role in shaping the online presence of a subscription-based platform in the corporate medical field. I contribute to the redesign and migration of several websites, besides the creation of others from scratch, targeting a diverse audience, including seniors and their families.


  • Developing and designing user-friendly websites with a focus on aesthetics, functionality, usability, responsiveness, and accessibility.
  • Use creative and vibrant color palettes to engage visitors while maintaining a professional look and following the brand's style guidelines.
  • Develop a subscription-based model on the website, allowing users to easily subscribe and manage their preferences.
  • Redesign, migrate, and optimize the performance of ten corporate websites.


  • UI/UX Design
  • UX Writing
  • Accessibility improvements
  • SEO enhancement
  • Performance optimization
  • WordPress
  • Elementor & Essential Addons
  • WPForms
  • MemberPress
  • HTML and CSS
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Trello
  • Microsoft 365

Company: Intellforce

(October 2023 - February 2024)

As a Web Designer I created unique experiences, web elements, wireframes, marketing campaigns, display ads, and landing pages viewed by millions of users per month while using design concepts and best practices to promote unique digital products around the globe.

What I loved the most about my time in Intellforce was working with the awesome team in the Product department!


  • Designing engaging and responsive landing pages.
  • Optimizing sites for maximum speed and scalability.
  • Employing industry and design best practices through the website building process.
  • Conducting website testing.
  • Liaise with marketing, IT and other departments to confirm goals, creative direction, and brand consistency.
  • Ensuring website functionality, stability, and responsiveness across devices.
  • Working in a dynamic environment requiring quick decision-making within tight schedules.
  • Managing design revisions and approval of artwork and information accuracy.


  • HTML, CSS, and SASS
  • WordPress and Astra
  • Display Ads design
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Figma
  • Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Trello
  • Google Workspace
  • Angular

Company: Launchguide

(September 2022 - July 2023)

My contributions to Launchguide consisted on improving websites and e-commerce in multiple platforms (including WordPress and Shopify), besides cooperating in both conventional and digital marketing contents and strategies.


  • SEO and copywriting.
  • Brand marketing.
  • Designing social media strategies.
  • Participating in brainstorming sessions and interacting with clients to find solutions that match their business goals and brand identities.
  • Designing engaging and responsive landing pages and e-commerce stores.
  • Optimizing loading speed speed.
  • Conducting website testing in different resolutions to ensure responsiveness across devices.


  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Branding
  • Copywriting
  • UI/UX Design
  • UX Writing
  • SEO
  • Keyword Research
  • HTML and CSS
  • WordPress
  • Elementor
  • Shopify
  • Canva
  • Asana
  • Google Workspace


(2019 - Present)

As an Etsy shop administrator, I have helped a shop achieve a 1,100% increase in marketing and SEO stats throughout the years, besides a 300% increase in direct traffic and 70% increase in traffic from the Etsy app and other pages.


  • Designing and optimizing shop, profile, and listing cover images for different devices.
  • SEO enhancement for improving visibility and discovery.
  • Staying up-to-date with Etsy's Seller Handbook to react quickly to changes to their algorithms and keep the shop in page one of the search results on their field.
  • Conducting A/B ad testing.
  • Deploying different tactics and strategies to increase sales, including social media marketing and holiday sales campaigns.


  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Copywriting
  • Branding
  • Keyword research
  • SEO
  • Ad creative design
  • A/B Testing
  • Google Analytics
  • Adobe Photoshop


(2015 - Present)

In my experience as a freelance WordPress Web Designer, I took care of the customization and optimization of themes for WordPress-based blogs, shops, and news portals. This was back when Elementor wasn't the popular tool it's become in the last few years, so I worked on developing what's called "child themes" to apply any changes my clients would want to them.

So why not apply changes to themes (and plugins) directly? Because theme authors deploy updates every now and then, and if a change has been done to the installed theme, all changes would be overwritten once the theme is updated to its latest release. Developing a "child theme," however, will always overwrite the base theme, and since most of the changes I work on have to do with design and not functionalities, it's usually compatible with any updates.

Can't we just not update them then? Well... we could, but I would never advise it, since updates usually bring security optimizations and tweaks to fix potential exploits, and not updating them can be risky and compromise the whole website, and most importantly, the user database (the same applies to keeping plugins, and even WordPress itself, updated).

The number one risk to the security of a WordPress-based website is not updating it!


  • Developing child plugins and themes.
  • Integrating websites with social media.
  • Optimizing contents to be shared by users on social media (especially on Pinterest, which was a big deal at some point!).
  • Reorganizing and redesigning landing pages and website sections.
  • Employing industry and design best practices through the website building process.
  • Ensuring consistency between brands and their online presence.


  • WordPress
  • Theme customization
  • Plugin customization
  • Setup and maintenance
  • A little bit of jQuery, PHP, and SQL
  • SEO
  • Keyword Research
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Digital Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Branding


(2006 - 2020)

In my years as a bilingual journalist and freelance English to Spanish (Latin America) translator, I worked not only translating directly but also editing and reviewing documentation and contents for clients in UpWork and translation agencies such as Nexon (Germany), The Translation Company (USA), and Bloomberg News.


  • Creative translation in different fields, such as literature, user interfaces and scripts for video games, and more.
  • Technical, medical, financial, and academic transations.
  • Adaptation and localization of copywriting, marketing materials, and product packages.
  • Reviewing and editing contents in Spanish and English.


  • CAT Tools
  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Office
  • Crowdin
  • Wordfast
  • Lilt