About this portfolio project

Hi! I'm Eleonora Rodriguez and I'm a Front-End developer and web designer.

The purpose of this portfolio project is to emulate a real, WordPress-based blog made by Paulina Cocina, but using only HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap.

So why not just upload a WordPress-based sample and that's it? Well, mainly because GitHub doesn't support PHP in live deployments (for now), and also because the main point of my projects is for me to prove what I can do with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript alone.

Portfolio project index

Since this website is only a portfolio project to showcase my skills, most links will lead to this informational page.

Here is a quick index so you can access the pages I've made for this project as samples:

Page My rework Original for comparison
Landing Page View View
Top 15 Sandwiches View View
Tortilla Soup View View
Waffles View View
Azteca Cake View View
Panellets View View

Features, changes, and optimizations

  • I overhauled the sidebar to feature appropriate calls to action, tags for easier navigation, the newsletter form, and social media links.
  • Added a button to print the recipes on each article (except for the Top 15 Sandwiches post, since it doesn't feature a recipe). Try it out! You can either print the recipe or save it as a PDF file which will keep the custom fonts and colors of the site.
  • Considering Paulina Cocina is a YouTuber and social media influencer in the cooking niche, I found it surprising that her website didn't feature links to her most recent videos... so I added them on the landing page!
  • Added the category tags on top of each post image and buttons linking to each article on the landing page.
  • Overall cleaned up the design and made it easier to navigate, while keeping it responsive at the same time.
  • Redesigned the table of contents for each article.


You can contact me on LinkedIn, check my portfolio, or send me an e-mail through the form below:


The Paulina Cocina logo, photos, and recipes belong to Paulina Cocina. I do not claim ownership over anything other than the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files uploaded on my GitHub account.

This personal portfolio project was made for educational purposes only.